Edycs Epilepsy Group

Neurological Disorders
Welcome to the Journal

Journal Impact Factor: 3.1*

Index Copernicus Value: 84.15

Submit manuscript at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/neurological-disorders.html or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at editor@hilarispublisher.com

Welcome to the Journal of Neurological Disorders

Dear Colleagues,

The Journal of Neurological Disorders is rapidly progressing. Being in the field of Neurological Sciences (Neurosciences, Neurology, neurosurgery, Psychiatry) we try to publish papers of excellent quality. Until now this aim was reached and we are looking forward to keep track on our achievements. The field of Neuroscience is progressing rapidly. In the field of Neurosurgery, where I come from, and especially in vascular neurosurgery, the last years were very prosperous. Development of new imaging methods help us understand the pathophysiology of aneurysm development and the risk of rupture. Such techniques are i.e. the “black blood MRI”, which shows contrast enhancement of aneurysm wall as a sign of aneurysm instability. Computational fluid dynamics, flow analyses and new surgical and endovascular techniques have been published in great succession through the last 2 decades. The need to publish our scientific results plays a crucial role in understanding pathologies of this very complex system of neurons and synapses. We welcome you to keep supporting our efforts to publish manuscripts of highest quality which could only be done with your help.

Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dr. med. Athanasios K. Petridis
Journal of Neurological Disorders